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WebUI browser_tests

Note: This page is out of date. If you are using modern practices, you are using a BrowserProxy for your JS/C++ interactions. The BrowserProxy document covers some testing practices for that case.

### Problem

See Also domui-testing.

WebUI contains Javascript, which runs in the renderer and a C++ handler, which runs in the UI thread of the browser process. While this is a necessary part of the design, testing across these boundaries of both language and process/thread is cumbersome at best.

### Objective

Make it possible to test the Javascript portion of WebUI in Javascript:

### Solution

The solution comes in the following parts:

### How to write a test

The best reference examples are chrome/test/data/webui/print_preview.js and chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/options_browsertest.js

~~```none /**  * TestFixture for OptionsPage WebUI testing.  * @extends {testing.Test}  * @constructor  / function OptionsWebUITest() {} OptionsWebUITest.prototype = {   proto: testing.Test.prototype,   /    * Browse to the options page & call our preLoad().    **/   browsePreload: 'chrome://settings-frame',   // ... };

*   ~~#### Mock the Javascript handler:~~

OptionsWebUITest.prototype = {
   * Register a mock handler to ensure expectations are met and options pages
   * behave correctly.
  preLoad: function() {
      // Register stubs for methods expected to be called before/during tests.
      // Specific expectations can be made in the tests themselves.

*   ~~#### Mock stubs which call a function:~~

        will(callFunction(function() {

*   ~~#### Define a test using mock expectations:~~

TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'testSetBooleanPrefTriggers', function() {
  var showHomeButton = $('toolbarShowHomeButton');
  var trueListValue = [
  // Note: this expectation is checked in testing::Test::TearDown.
  // Cause the handler to be called.;

*   ~~#### Conditionally run a test using generated c++ ifdefs:~~

~~#### See [Handling a failing test](/developers/tree-sheriffs/handling-a-failing-test) for more details on style and how/when to disable a test.~~

// Not meant to run on ChromeOS at this time.
// Not finishing in windows.
GEN('#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_WIN) \\');
GEN('    || defined(TOUCH_UI)');
GEN('#define MAYBE_testRefreshStaysOnCurrentPage \\');
GEN('    DISABLED_testRefreshStaysOnCurrentPage');
GEN('#define MAYBE_testRefreshStaysOnCurrentPage ' +
TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'MAYBE_testRefreshStaysOnCurrentPage', function() {
  var item = $('advancedPageNav');
  var pageInstance = AdvancedOptions.getInstance();
  var topPage = OptionsPage.getTopmostVisiblePage();
  var expectedTitle = pageInstance.title;
  var actualTitle = document.title;
  expectEquals("chrome://settings/advanced", document.location.href);
  expectEquals(expectedTitle, actualTitle);
  expectEquals(pageInstance, topPage);

~~### Maintaining~~

*   ~~Adding more goodies to generator - edit
            `chrome/test/ui/webui/javascript2webui.js` and tests in
*   ~~Disabling a test - find tests in `chrome/test/data/webui/` & mark
            `FLAKY_`, `DISABLED_` or use the `MAYBE_` trick shown above to
            conditionally decide.~~

~~### Considerations/FAQs~~

*   ~~*Isn't mocking in javascript not testing the WebUI message
            passing?* True, but that should be tested as a unit test and then
            trusted. Mocking in JS is easier, less flaky (always recursive - no
            synchronization challenges) and much better than not having any
            tests at all.~~
*   ~~*If you already have the page in question why don't you just run
            all tests without starting a new IN_PROCESS_BROWSER_TEST?* You are
            more than welcome to group tons of expect\* calls into a single
            test; all errors will be reported after the entire test runs. Having
            tests be separate IN_PROCESS_BROWSER_TEST calls ensures the state is
            exactly the same at the start of each tests with no pollution from
            previous tests.~~

~~### Caveats~~

*   ~~\[[](\] The generator relies
            on d8 to be built for the host. Currently the v8.gyp rules aren't
            correct for Arm as they have conditionals on the 'target_host' and
            don't heed the 'toolset". A gyp condition only runs the js2webui
            rule on non-arm platforms.~~
*   ~~Use of `MAYBE_` to ifdef will have a different run name from GTEST
            than from `test_api.js` - this is because `MAYBE_xyz` will be
            defined as either `xyz` or `DISABLED_xyz` in C++, but not changed in

~~### Best practices~~

*   ~~As described in the [gtest
            docs](, prefer expect\* over
            assert\*, as it will not halt the test, but will register the
            failure and allow other checks in that particular testcase to run.~~
*   ~~Since the call is included in the failure error message, the
            optional `message` parameter should only include information not

// NO
TEST_F('FooTest', 'TestFoo', function() {
  expectEquals(foo, bar, 'foo != bar');
  expectEquals(foo, bar, foo + '!=' + bar);
  var i = ...;
  expectEquals(5, array[i], 'array[i] != 5');
// YES
TEST_F('FooTest', 'TestFoo', function() {
  expectEquals(foo, bar);
  expectEquals(foo, bar);
  var i = ...;
  expectEquals(5, array[i], 'i=' + i);