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Using Mojo in C++


Mojo is Chromium's IPC (inter-process communication) framework. Mojo provides a language-agnostic way of defining interfaces and data structures that can be marshalled across process boundaries.

Mojo is frequently used to


Stubbing Mojo Pipes

To write tests for Mojo code, you can use Fakes to create test Mojo objects to stub the message pipe. You can also use mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver() to bind the lifetimes of the Fake and the Mojo endpoint for the test, which will simplify the code needed to mock. Once the mock endpoint is setup, it can be injected into the test to be used as the other endpoint. During the test, the stubbed endpoint will be used to verify that it has received the expected messages. Using for an example:

void SetUp() override {
  // Build a FakeAdapter instance -- this is a test stub of
  // the adapter.mojom interface.
  auto fake_adapter = std::make_unique<bluetooth::FakeAdapter>();
  fake_adapter_ = fake_adapter.get();

  mojo::PendingRemote<bluetooth::mojom::Adapter> pending_adapter;

  // Build the Mojo pipe to be used for this test. Inject the
  // FakeAdapter instance that the object-under-test will be
  // calling via a Remote<bluetooth::mojom::Adapter>.

  // Actually Bind the Remote to the Mojo pipe. The
  // object-under-test can now directly consume this
  // Remote<bluetooth::mojom::Adapter>.

  // Inject the Remote<bluetooth::mojom::Adapter> into the object-under-test
  // (BluetoothClassicMedium).
  bluetooth_classic_medium_ =
  // Make a method call on the object-under-test that will
  // trigger it to call its  Remote<bluetooth::mojom::Adapter>:

  // Confirm that the Adapter stub instance on the Receiver side
  // of the Mojo pipe was called:

Mojo Traits

Mojo Traits allow a C++ type to be mapped to a mojo type and vice versa. Using a Mojo trait guarantees type safety in the conversion, and reduces the overhead in manually converting between two types.

Mojo provides a range of type mappings, including StructTraits<>, ArrayTraits<>, EnumTraits<>, and more. For example, a C++ enum:

enum CakeFlavors {

can be type-mapped to a .mojom enum using an EnumTrait<>.

  1. Create a .mojom enum based on the C++ enum.

    enum CakeFlavors {
  2. Add *_mojom_traits.h:

    Two function signatures need to be added:

    #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/enum_traits.h"
    template <>
    class EnumTraits<mojom::CakeFlavors, CakeFlavors> {
        static mojom::CakeFlavors ToMojom(CakeFlavors);
        static bool FromMojom(mojom::CakeFlavors input, CakeFlavors *output);
  3. Add *

    Implement these methods using a switch statement. For example:

    EnumTraits<mojom::CakeFlavors, CakeFlavors>::
        ToMojom(CakeFlavors input) {
          switch (input) {
            case CakeFlavors::kVanilla:
              return mojom::CakeFlavors::kVanilla;
            case CakeFlavors::kChocolate:
              return mojom::CakeFlavors::kChocolate;
            case CakeFlavors::kRedVelvet:
              return mojom::CakeFlavors::kRedVelvet;
          // Failure to convert should never occur.
    // static
    EnumTraits<mojom::CakeFlavors, CakeFlavors>::
      FromMojom(mojo::CakeFlavors input, CakeFlavors *output) {
          switch (input) {
            case mojom::CakeFlavors::kVanilla:
              *output = CakeFlavors::kVanilla;
              return true;
            case mojom::CakeFlavors::kChocolate:
              *output = CakeFlavors::kChocolate;
              return true;
            case mojom::CakeFlavors::kRedVelvet:
              *output = CakeFlavors::kRedVelvet;
              return true;
          // Return `false` to indicate the conversion was not successful.
          return false;
  4. Add the Mojom traits to the file:

    mojom("mojom") {
      sources = [...]
      cpp_typemaps = [
          types = [
              mojom = "mojom.CakeFlavors"
              cpp = "CakeFlavors"
          trait_headers = [ "cake_flavors_mojom_traits.h" ]
          trait_sources = [ "" ]
          traits_deps = [
  5. Unit testing:

    It is recommended to implicitly test (with unit tests that consume the conversion) and manually verify that the Mojo trait mapping works as expected. Example:

TIP: Read more about Mojo type mapping in the Mojo documentation.